Review Finds Outpatient CAR-T Therapy Equally Effective, Less Costly Than Inpatient Care

This systematic literature review evaluates the comparative safety, efficacy, quality of life, and healthcare utilization between outpatient and inpatient CAR-T therapy administrations in the treatment of hematological cancers. It includes data from 38 publications, demonstrating that outpatient care provides similar safety and efficacy outcomes, improves quality of life, and significantly reduces costs. 

The study underscores the critical need for a well-structured framework to support outpatient CAR-T therapy. It emphasizes the importance of suitable patient selection based on disease characteristics, clinical status, and logistical factors including proximity to medical facilities and availability of caregiver support. The review also calls for ongoing research to further substantiate the benefits and challenges of outpatient versus inpatient administration, aiming to optimize care delivery in hematological malignancies. This evolving paradigm could make advanced therapies like CAR-T more accessible and sustainable, potentially easing the patient’s treatment journey while maintaining high standards of care.

Reference: Hansen DK, Liu Y-H, Ranjan S, et al. The Impact of Outpatient versus Inpatient Administration of CAR-T Therapies on Clinical, Economic, and Humanistic Outcomes in Patients with Hematological Cancer: A Systematic Literature Review. Cancers. 2023; 15(24):5746.